『和歌山の 名所無料で ガイド中』語り部が皆様をお待ちしているのは、この時、ここで!!

Let’s enjoy strolling around Wakayama Castle


They are from California. American enjoy traveling after they retired.  There are similarities between the guide and the travelers, including age, interest and appearances.

Wakayama City Guide Club guide you around the Wakayama Castle on Saturday, Sunday and a national holiday.(10a.m.~ 1p.m.~) for free.  It’s our pleasure to help tourist in our town.

Some of us guide foreign tourists in English. If it is the free guide day and happen to encounter an English speaking guide, you’re so lucky. However such a good opportunity is rare.  So if you plan to visit Wakayama City, please reserve an English guide in advance.




  1. Hand-some boy hata より:

    いいね。It is very good.