『和歌山の 名所無料で ガイド中』語り部が皆様をお待ちしているのは、この時、ここで!!


A mute-swan at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a mute-swan at Wakayama Castle zoo. Today, whether it is too hot or he is searching for food, he was plunging his ...

A kisyu dog at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a Kisyu dog at Wakayama Castle zoo. Usually, he is showing his vigorous appearance to us, on this day, he was yawi...

A goat at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a philosopher goat at Wakayama Castle zoo. On this day, he was enjoying taking a walk after a long serious philoso...

A peacock at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a peacock at Wakayama Castle zool. Even in the terrible hot summer season, he was behaving naturally without loosi...

Kids of ducks at Wakayama Castle zoo

They are kids of ducks at Wakayama Castle zoo, and playing happily in a small pool. When our bodies are small, even a sm...

A pelican at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a stylistic pelican living at Wakayama Castle zoo. But today, he seems to forget about beauty care at all and prac...

A white pigeon at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a white pigeon at Wakayama Castle zoo, who was snoozing at present. I feel that he is more cute when he is sleepin...

A pigeon at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a white pigeon at Wakayama Castle zoo. When I was looking at his eyes, I tend to think whether the eyes of angels ...

A parrot at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a parrot at Wakayama Castle zoo, who is drinking water. I think this is an universal movement of birds in the worl...

A parrot at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a parrot at Wakayama Castle zoo. Compared with other parrots in the zoo, he is bright and even grotesque. But if y...