『和歌山の 名所無料で ガイド中』語り部が皆様をお待ちしているのは、この時、ここで!!


Patagonian cavies at Wakayama Castle zoo

Are they rabits with short ears or large rats? No no, they are paragonian cavies from Argentina. Wellcome to Wakayama Ca...

Horses at Wakayama Castle zoo

One day, I saw two horses were looking at each other for a long time. I thought they were having a conversation like, "D...

A horse at Wakayama Castle zoo

Horses are being kept at Wakayama Castle zoo. This horse is not as cute as a baby emue and does not look as cleaver as p...

Peacocks at Wakayama Castle zoo

Peacocks are being kept at Wakayama Castle zoo. This peacock was walking about as if he was bragging that "I am the most...

A mother of emue at Wakayama Castle zoo

She is the mother of the baby emue who was born lately. An adolt emue is bigger than a humman being, but she is as cute ...

A goat at Wakayama Castle zoo

There is a goat who looks like an enlightened philosopher at Wakayama Castle zoo. He was looking over the secene of nois...

A baby emue in Wakayama Castle zoo

A baby emue was born in Wakayama Castle zoo this spring. He or she is so cute that a lot of people gathered around it.

Special Tourist guide of Wakayama city Volunteer guide Club

This year, 2019, Yorinobu Tokugawa (tenth man of Ieyasu Tokugawa in the Kishu Tokugawa house first generation feudal lor...

Oh fantastic!

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