『和歌山の 名所無料で ガイド中』語り部が皆様をお待ちしているのは、この時、ここで!!


A pelican at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a pelican at Wakayama Castle zoo. On certain rainy spring day, he was standing by the water side, seemed to be pon...

A bird at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a cock with a long tail at Wakayama Castle zoo. He was crying a battle cry in rivalry with Ukkokei bird.

A bird at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a Ukkokei bird at Wakayama Castle zoo. Even though his body is rather small, his appearance appeals a lot.

Maple leaves garden at Wakayama Castle

Now, when you visit the maple leaves garden at Wakayama Castle, you may feel that you wondered into a palace made of jad...

A pigeon at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a white pigeon at Wakayama zoo. He seemed to be an angel taking a nap and very cute.

A duck and carps at Wakayama Castle

Are so many carps living in the pond of Wakayama Castle zoo? No, it is not a picture of the zoo, but it was taken at inn...

A pigeon at Wakayama Castle

He is a pigeon at Wakayama Castle. Has a cage for pigeons been installed? No, no, it is not. This picture was taken at “...

A peacock at Wakayama Castle zoo

He is a peacock at Wakayama Castle zoo. When they are in a group they are beautiful, of course. And when he is alone, he...

Peacocks at Wakayama Castle zoo

They are peacocks at Wakayama Castle zoo. They seemed to be competing their beauty. いいね:

Penguins at Wakayama Castle zoo

They are penguins at Wakayama Castle zoo, who like singing very much. On this day, they seemed to be discussing the next...