『和歌山の 名所無料で ガイド中』語り部が皆様をお待ちしているのは、この時、ここで!!

Exorcism at Kishu Tosho-gu Shrine  紀州東照宮で厄払い


At Kishu Tosho-gu Shrine, you can see some unique votive tablets with a Chinese character “厄” (unlucky age). They are hung upside down. In this way, you can ward off evil spirits or calamities. The unlucky age is determined by adding one year to the actual age. For example, 25, 42 and 61 for men. 19, 33 and 37 for woman. If you are reaching the unlucky age and feel something is wrong, why don’t you visit Kishu Tosho-gu for exorcism?


